In March of 2020, Mikey began having unexplained fevers and extreme fatigue. He was experiencing pain in his legs that was so bad he was unable to walk most days. Doctors ran all types of tests that never showed anything unusual. They just assumed it was growing pains and he would grow out of it. As time went on, it continued to gradually get worse. He was spending about 75-80% of his days sleeping and had no energy at all. He was barely walking on good days. November 11, 2020, our worst fears were confirmed when I was told Mikey had cancer. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Every second of that day is burned into my memory like a horrible nightmare.
All I could think was that I failed my baby and I was losing my little boy. He was immediately admitted into the hospital and began undergoing test after test, blood transfusions, surgery, and intense chemotherapy regimens. Over the last 2 1/2 years, Mikey has had more procedures and medications than I can even remember. The one and only thing that has remained consistent is Mikey's loving spirit. From losing all of his hair, multiple seizures, losing his ability to walk more than a few steps on his own to extreme weight gain/ weight loss. Mikey has never stopped fighting to live and he never stopped loving. I can always count on "I love you so much mommy" a hundred times a day. Those words mean more to me now than ever before. As Mikey is now in remission, we are taking life day by day.